<Looking Back, Looking Forward To The Future>

31 Dec/ 2022

A round of moonlight shines on every roof, three stars hang in a row in the late night sky, the grapes in the garden grow green fruits, the cactus has woken up from a deep sleep, and on the way home It’s never too far away, and the camaraderie of longing never stops working. Experiencing an aircraft carrier in a storm is a test and competition with nature and the collective. When dissecting every cell, the joy is endless. The days go by quickly, today is the last night of 2022, are you ready? Have you received fireworks, jokes, gifts, flowers? I am by your side, welcoming the new year, and under your eyes, I am sending off the whole year of 2022. I am holding mangoes and apples in your candlelight.

The night is bright and the flute is sending off the old year,

In the first month of reincarnation in the coming day;

The stars will feast to see the beauty of the mountains,

And the flowers and plants under the trees will bloom.


^The Article of Nature^