“Formless Night”

“Formless Night”

Formless night!
You took my sleepiness;
When will I enter your dream pigeon?

Formless night!
You sent the insects of summer;
When will I repay your kindness?

Formless night!
You burn my life;
When will I stop and think?

Formless night!
You take your prey with you;
When will you tell me to untie your knot?

Formless night!
You proudly control the chessboard;
When do I release a lot of water?

Formless night!
You embrace the starry sky vigorously;
When will I draw the bridge of the Milky Way?

Formless night!
You chose a fast sports car;
When will I return you a land with beautiful mountains and clear waters?

Formless night!
When you don’t love me;
Tell me when to notice your existence?

Formless night!
When you are secretly happy;
When will I appreciate the alternation of warmth and coldness in the world?

Formless night!
Formless night;
Spend the long night with you!


^The Article of Nature^